Minggu, 12 Juni 2016

ESP Project

Analysis Syllabus Faculty of Computer Science in Lancang Kuning University

Submitted as One of Assignments of English Specific Purpose Course
Taught by Indah Muzdalifah,M.Pd


JUNE 2016

            First of all, I would like to say thanks to God because I can finish writing this paper submitted as one of assignments of English Spesific Purpose course. This paper is designed for the Students of  Teachers Training and Education Department at LancangKuning University and all readers. This paper covers some theories to understand the basic knowledge of using English for specific major.
            In writing this paper, I am sure that are some mistakes but I have to present as well as possible. I hope this paper is useful to help students to understand more about analyze syllabus.
            Finally, I am looking forward your critics and suggestion to make this paper will be perfect and useful for students who are studying English Specific Purpose course and all readers..


Pekanbaru, June 11th,2016
The Writer



PREFACE ………………………………………………………………………….. i
TABLE OF CONTENTS ………………………………………………………….. ii
CHAPTER  I              :  Introduction ……………………………………………… 1
CHAPTER  II             : Content  ………………………………………………….. 2-6
CHAPTER  III           : Conclusion …………………………………………………7



1.1  Background

ESP (English Specific Purpose) is centered on the language appropriate to the activities of a given discipline. ESP according to Hutchinson and Waters (1987:19), ESP is an approach to language teaching in which all decisions as to content and method are based on the learners reason for learning. In this connection, Dudley Evans (1998) explains that ESP may not always focus on the language for one specific discipline or  occupation, such as English for Computer science.
One of the fundamental questions for language teaching is what language is to be taught. In order to specify what language will be taught, items are typically listed and referred to as the syllabus. Graves (1996) discusses the language curriculum and syllabus. She describes the curriculum as a broad statement of the philosophy, purposes, design, and implementation of the entire language teaching program and th syllabus as a specification and ordering of content of a course.The education system in Indonesia, stipulates that English is the CourseGeneral (MKU), which is mandatory for students, so any subject captured everything will continue to learn English. A sticking question, whether the material taught English language is always the same when students learn in different departments? For example if English For Computer Science: An Analysis of the English Language RequirementOn Informatics Engineering Student Pro Business Journal Vol.  6No.1 February 2013 21.
Economics student of English study material is the same as the students of Information Engineering, Literature and others. Of course the answer is different, because the material and terms used in Economics and Informatics Engineering was different. The material is as it is known as ESP or English for Specific Purpose.Every English teacher or lecturer certainly very aware of the matter ESP. In this section the authors limit the discussion to the material ESP English for Computer Science. There are some difficulties experienced when lecturers for teaching ESP (English for Computer Science) to students, among others;

a). Most textbooks English for Computer Science published abroad, making it difficult to find a textbook local or domestic
b). Since most textbooks were from abroad, the level of difficulty (level of Difficulties)
Less material in accordance with the level of ability and needsstudents in Indonesia. Lecturers as curriculum developers should certainly play a role in the selection and development of teaching materials so that students are able to achieve the expected competencies

1.2  Problem Formulation
1.      What is syllabus?
2.      What purpose the syllabus?
3.      How to analyze syllabus?

1.3  Objective Problem
1.      To know what is syllabus
2.      To know the purpose syllabus
3.      To know how to analyze syllabus


2.1 Definition of Syllabus

            The syllabus presented and evaluated in this essay has been newly designed for secondary state schools in the Swiss canton of Glarus. Until now, English as a foreign language has not been a compulsory subject and has been taughtonlyin the final year of secondary school, but from summer 2002 learners will attend a compulsory three years course in EFL in years 7 to 9 of their schooling. This fact results in a considerable amount of teachers needing to be trained in EFL to be able to start with the new courses to be based on this new syllabus next year. In the next section I shall provide an overview of syllabus definitions and explore the questionof what a syllabus is for. This will be followed by a section describing the EFL syllabus of the canton of Glarus as well as the overall curriculum it is part of. Subsequently, the EFL syllabus will be analyzed and evaluated on the basis of syllabus definitions previously introduced, and finally the syllabus will be discussed in relation to the overall curriculum in terms of compatibility and practicability

Approaching the task of evaluating a syllabus it is necessary to consider possible definitions of the term to provide a basic framework for evaluation. According to the Longman Dictionary of Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics a syllabus can be defined as a description of the contents of a course of instruction and the order in which they are to be taught (Richards et al.1992, 368)

2.2 The Purpose of Syllabus

            Syllabus seem to vary in two fundamental areas-the apparent reason for writing the syllabus and the material that it contains. The purpose of the syllabus should drive the decision as to what content to include (Parkes& Harris, 2002). Three major purposes that a syllabus should serve are described by Parkes and Harris:
1.      Syllabus as a contract
Makes clear what the rules are sets forth what is expected to happen during the semester. Delineates the responsibilities of students and of the instructor. Describe appropriate procedures and course policies. Content required for a syllabus to serve as a contract.
2.      Syllabus as a permanent record
Serves accountability and documentation functions. Contains information useful for evaluation of instructors, courses, and programs. Document what was covered in a course, at what level, and for what kind of credit.
3.      Syllabus as a learning tool
Helps students become more effective learners in the course. Inform students of the instructor beliefs about teaching, learning, and the content area. Focuses on students and what they need to be effective learners.

2.3 Analyze Syllabus Faculty of Computer Science in Lancang Kuning University

Nama Mata Kuliah   : BahasaInggris I
Kode Mata Kuliah    : -
Beban SKS                : 2 SKS
KompetensimataKuliah :Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan terminology dan fenomena Bahasa Inggris di program studi masing-masing.
Materi Pembelajaran
Bentuk Pembelajaran
Kemampuan akhir yang diharapkan
Kriteria Penilaian
-Expressions to introduce ourselves
-Ceramah dan diskusi materi kuliah
-Collaborative Learning
Setelah mempelajari  pokok Bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat memperkenalkan diri mereka sendiri
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memperkenalkan diri dalam berbagai kesempatan
Word Formation
Discovery Learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat berbagai hal terkait word formation: men,ion, al,ure,ly,etc
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami dan menerapkan materi
Paralel Structure
Discovery learning dan Collaborative Learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat:
-Menjelaskan parallel structure
-Technical terms
Kemampuan mahasiswa dalam memahami isi bacaan dan membuat kalimat aktif dan pasif
Country, Language and Nationality
Cooperative Learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswadapatmenjelaskan Country language dan nationality
KemampuanMahasiswamemahami Country, language dan Nationality
Explaining Procedures
Discovery Learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswadapatmenjelaskan procedure in operating machines
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan procedures in several kinds of machines
Practice Explaining Procedures
Collaborative learning
Setelah mempelajari pokokbahasaninidiharapkanmahasiswadapatmempraktekkandalammenjelaskan procedures in operating machines
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammempraktekkan procedures in operating machines
Discovery Learning
Setelahmempelajaripokokbahasaninidiharapkanmahasiswadapatmenjelaskan conjunction
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenerapkanfungsi conjunction
The use of Too, So, Either, dan Neither
Collaborative Learning
Setelahmempelajaripokokbahasaninidiharapkanmahasiswadapatmenjelaskan The use of Too, So, Either, dan Neither
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskandanmempraktekkan The use of Too, So, Either, dan Neither
Degree of Comparison
Collaborative learning
Setelahmempelajaripokokbahasaninidiharapkanmahasiswadapatmenjelaskan Degree of Comparison
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammemahamidanmenerapkan Degree of Comparison

Collaborative learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan berbagai terminology
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan terminology
Collaborative learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan berbagai termin ology
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan terminology
Passive Voice
Discovery Learning
Setelah mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Passive Voice
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan Passive Voice
Conditional Sentences
Discovery Learning
Setelah  mempelajari pokok bahasan ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Conditional Sentences
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan Conditional Sentences
Text Discussion
Collaborative learning
Setelah  mempelajaripokok bahasan  ini diharapkan mahasiswa dapat menjelaskan Text Discussion
Kemampuanmahasiswadalammenjelaskan Text Discussion
Semester Test
Semester Test
Semester Test
Semester Test

            Based on my analysis, the Syllabus explained in the meeting week 5, 6, 11 and 12 that learning materials are in accordance with competency courses, but in the week other meeting, learning materials discussed English generally. From 16 meeting, there are 2 for mid and final test, 4 meeting learning materials accordance with competency courses, and 10 meeting learning materials discussedEnglish generally. This indicates that the learning materials discussed more general English than specific major and not accordance with the competency courses in Faculty Computer of Science.

So we can be seen from the table above,that it is clearly visible that the syllabus with major not have including basic competence in accordance with computer Science. This suggests that the structure based on the syllabus does not meet the needs of learners and the final competence to be achieved. The courses in syllabus still general to develop English language learners in the field Faculty Computer of Science. It can be concluded that all the materials in RPKPS in the course BahasaInggris 1 by M.Pauzi, S.S.,M.Hum does not accordance with major in Faculty Computer of Science and still yet provide the knowledge needed by students. Thi s means that this syllabus is still made to the English general and specific yet in accordance with major needed.


From the overall analysis of the above after seeing syllabus, overall learning materials, syllabus used by students of the faculty of computer science not according to the competency courses were arranged in syllabus and yet according to major computer science. So, I think Syllabus Bahasa Inggris 1 by M.PAUZI, S.S.,M.Hum not deemed worthy enough to be used as a syllabus to be taught, because almost all the material on the syllabus of English there are still taught general and not specific to add knowledge in major computer science. So, that the learning materials are not in accordance with the learning materials needed and the learning materials made yet refers to the competence of subjects in syllabus by students of the Faculty of Computer Science in Lancang Kuning University


Suter, Christopher.September.2001 Describing and evaluating a syllabus, University of Birmingham
Azar, Schrampher Betty. 1989. Understanding and Using English Grammar. USA. Prentice Hall Regents
http://www.arinurandhika Label: Pendidikan Analisis Kesesuaian antara Silabus dan Rencana Plaksanaan Pembelajaran

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